Collecting Crosses
by Cindi Sutter, Founder of The Spirited Table®
I've mentioned that I revel in finding unique gifts, floral mechanics, wrapping paper, clothing or decor. My do not enter off limits basement room otherwise known as the, oh my goodness who died in here space, houses these beloved treasures and trash. It's an issue for another day.
But I always find a way to justify collecting crosses. It is very fun and very personal. I delight in them equally as much when my friends provide a peaceful spot that includes a cross because it is as if they were my own. Maybe even more so, because when I visit they are waiting for me to sit beside them and explore every nook and cranny and imagine the priest or pastor that last held them.
The Ethiopian Crosses also known as the Abyssinian Cross are used in processions.
These are found in the home of a dear friend.
Ethiopian crosses are invariably made from elaborate lattice work. Hand crosses usually include a square at the base, which represents the Ark of the Covenant and both the Ark and the Cross bear the Shekinah (see Prince of Peace Cross). Geometric patterns are common in Ethiopian art and there is order and meaning in the intertwined lattice style. This represents everlasting life and also relates to the nature of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
For me they represent generations, heritage and faith. The Cross, a symbol of unity, forgiveness and sacrifice, but mostly its about love.