Dessert Party Template
by Cindi Sutter, Founder & Editor The Spirited Table®

Dessert Party Template for New Years - Valentines - ANYTIME
1. Desserts can be prepared ahead of time and for the most part, once you place them on the buffet table, you can have fun too.
2. Guests List. Women only for the afternoon but couples for New Year's Eve or Valentine's Day are fabulous.
3. Invitation. With a tight timeline an evite is great, or better yet, a phone call if the list is shorter. Deliver the details with a thematic twist. Let your imagination run with it.
4. Napkins. Order cocktail napkins with the theme if you have time. I use solid white cloth napkins with a ribbon around them for the desserts. I use white napkins for easier clean up. Place them in a sink with detergent and a tiny bit of bleach and let them soak for a few hours; this takes care of lipstick and chocolate.
5. Date. Friday 3-6 has been a proven winner for women. Later, any evening is great for couples.
6. Location. Your home works perfectly!
7. Desserts. Choose at least 5 or 6; I have some fun with a "baker's dozen," depending on the size of your guest list. It’s not about desserts that look perfect, it’s about flavor and fun. One of my favorite chocolate desserts looks very unattractive, but taste like coffee and chocolate with a twist of fudge...nobody cares what it looks like. Make a biscotti; there are a lot of recipes on the internet that are very simple. Serve the Chocolate Nuggets under Food & Drink, they are easy to make. I began this party to remember my Mom & Grandmothers, so use your family recipes, if you have them.
8. Drinks. I serve wine, water, coffee and tea. Homemade Irish Cream is in a pitcher on the buffet table, served in liqueur or funky small glasses. The Brown Eyed Baker has a great recipe online.
9. Flowers. I am a floral arranging-aholic. Start with your theme and a container/vase you already own.
a. I used my grandmother’s punch bowl this year. It’s was supposed to be a cake, but you can decide what it became, who knows how that happened.
b. I love using teacups that don’t match in a straight line through the center of the table; this works for any size table. Arrange matching flowers in each cup or make every cup look different. Invite some close friends over, give them 2 cups each and you are done.
c. In my humble opinion, the biggest mistake we make is being afraid to cut the stems in various heights. Don’t take the flowers you buy and plop them in a container. Cut away. And mix in greens from your garden, the trees around your house etc.
Once again, each of you have a style of your own, take a breath and let it shine!
10. The rest is up to you. I have a very diverse group of women that join me for desserts. Don’t be afraid to mix it up, that is when the real fun begins.
Enjoy, and share your stories and pictures with us!