Happy One Year Anniversary to thespiritedtable.com!!
by Cindi Sutter, Founder of The Spirited Table®

November is a month for giving thanks soooooo……
Thank you for expressing your support by connecting our tables to yours for 1 BIG HEARTED BOUNTIFUL YEAR!!!!!
On behalf of myself and the Tastemakers in Residence, we trust you and your friends and family are celebrating every unique voice while munching on and celebrating every tasty bite.
America is a melting pot of cultures, religions, traditions and values.
Sometimes, our melting pot starts to boil over with tension and misunderstanding.
Our lives and cultures may be different, but there’s no doubt about it:
Food is the one thing we’ve all got in common.
Food is our shared love, and our universal language.
Food represents history. Every meal tells a story. And understanding those stories -- and the people behind them -- provides a kind of spiritual nourishment. Through these stories, our differences begin to dissolve and commonalities are revealed. Through these stories, we are brought closer together.
Go into any home in America, and you'll notice something.
Everyone gathers in the kitchen.
It's the heart -- and the hub -- of the home.
It's where all the great stories are told.
And that... is where The Spirited Table unfolds...