A Holiday Party Tradition
by Cindi Sutter, Founder of The Spirited Table®
What's the recipe for a party full of hospitality and fun?
A great host provides a template for success with an invite that is well, inviting; In this case, Oh what fun, on the invitation. Next stop a guest list full of different ages and stages of women; Im' a huge believer in mixing it up. Great food and a beautiful setting were the icing on the cookies!
Toni Cady and her daughter Jane, co-host a Christmas party that is a template for a spirited party full of fun women, lots of chatter and my favorite part, besides the cookies, the making of new friends and the renewing of old.
"Jane and I each invite friends so there is a multi-generational spirit-many mothers and daughters-and now a granddaughter or two."- Toni Cady.
This year Toni was kind enough to share some images that remind each of us, there is no place like home. She shares the credit with Susan Ebner the incredible cookie baker and to Gail Lewis who designs and creates all the wreaths and garlands - both are local women who have mastered their crafts and work out of their homes.
A personal note from Toni to us!
"We loved seeing you and spending time with you. It's always nice to have friends really enjoy our Christmas house as much as we do and I feel especially blessed to be able to share it. So, in that spirit, you can post pictures of our tea if you'd like to. I think it all fits in with you and your website and your personality, and am very flattered that you would consider it. Have a wonderful Christmas."