Fruitful Summer
by Zehorit Heilicher, Tastemaker in Residence

What’s your ultimate summer fruit? You know, the one that its mere name conjures up an unmatched fragrance, sweet juices dripping down your chin, sticky fingers… So many to choose from… My favorite is the peach! I am positive that I am not alone, either. Just think of how many peach idioms we have for something wonderful in our lives: “Things are peachy keen”, “As easy as peaches and cream”, “You’re a peach” So what is it about peaches? Just inhale the sugary scent of a ripe peach, feel its delicate fuzz and bite into the tender side and taste summer in your mouth! Are you with me?
Living in the Midwest, peach season is short and intense: a variety of peaches show up in the markets at the same time, making selection a dilemma! The front-runners are Georgia peaches and Colorado peaches, competing with South Carolina. (For more info about that read this NY Times article). My advice? Follow your taste buds! Taste! Taste! And Taste! Talk to your grocer and find out where their peaches are from, how often do they arrive and if you are interested in preserving – find out if there’s a bulk discount (Never hurt to ask!).
So, what to do with all this peach abundance? Oh, so many choices!! Pie? Cobbler? Bars? Jam? Syrup? Spiced & canned? NOW you understand my dilemma!!
Now go get those peaches before they are gone!
Here is a round up of suggestions: