Spirit of the Ryder Cup - Day 1 Morning Matches
by Cindi Sutter, Founder of The Spirited Table®
Today was an amazing day! After 3 days of practice rounds we were ready for the real deal. So we got up at 4:15 and tried our best to get our volunteer uniforms without wearing them wrong side out. We headed to the golf course in the dark, watched legions of fans literally running to the first tee to find their spot.
All I can say is the experience far and away surpassed the legend of the first tee at a Ryder Cup. Happy first day of the matches and I'm proud of Hazeltine and our volunteers. I was supercalafragalistically happy when the sun appeared through the early morning fog. Go USA!!!

So this will be brief...Arnie's bag was on display for all to see...Tiger's smile when the cheerleaders sang his praise...and team USA is ahead in the matches...Ryder Cup life is good and Arnie's memory surrounds us!