The Land of Picnics

by Ardith Beveridge, Tastemaker in Residence

It doesn't matter if you're finally kicking off Summer in the northern climates, or if you've enjoyed an early taste of picnics by the lake or in your own backyard; this simple flower arrangement is fun to do with the kids, while munching on the leftover watermelon!

Serving plate
Midollino Sticks (see examples below)

Fresh flowers & foliage of your choosing


  1. Cut watermelon, lay on plate
  2. Use watermelon as your floral foam to insert the flowers in or place a small piece of wet fresh floral foam between the slices
  3. Place foliage in first, then largest flowers, then the smaller flowers
  4. Twirl the Midollino sticks all over and around, fun to have helpers with this design!

Fun Floral Facts

  1. A little bit of history-Before there was foam, in Europe, apples, potatoes and other fruits and vegetables were used to hold flowers. They are moist and are a great sugar source.
  2. Make more than one design-use the small watermelon, cut in half, cut a bit off of the bottom for a solid base, add flowers to the top, let your creative spirit lead you.
  3. Midollino Sticks are an easy way to add color and texture to many floral arrangements