National Bible Week

by Cindi SutterChief Communicator & Editor of Spirited Table® -

National Bible Week is during the week of Thanksgiving and encourages us to read the Bible. Maybe start by asking each person at your Thanksgiving table what they’re the most thankful for this season. If your family says grace, ask one of the kids to do it, as pearls of wisdom come in very unique and small packages.

If you ever have the opportunity to view the Saint John’s Bible, it’s one of the most amazing presentations of the Bible I have ever seen: The Saint John's Abbey Church, is renown for it's Saint John's Bible. (see one image below).


Open the Bible or listen to a reading and use #NationalBibleWeek to share on social media. Pick a few verses that encourage thankfulness to discuss with your family this week! Go to the outline or concordance in your bible and look under thankfulness or generosity and see what pops up.


President Franklin Delano Roosevelt first declared National Bible Week in 1941. At the time, the National Bible Association read passages on the air at NBC between radio broadcasts. Since then, every president has declared the week of Thanksgiving National Bible Week.