Veteran's Day - 11/11
by Cindi Sutter, Chief Communicator & Editor of Spirited Table®
Veteran’s Day and Military Family Appreciation Month are a time set aside to recognize you, the military family. Military families know what it means to serve. Every day, you get up and support your service member, standing by during long trainings and deployments. You know the risks, but you accept this life of service anyway. You know service is an honor. Click here for video.
Our Spirited Table team salutes each of you and we hope you enjoy some of our thoughts, grateful reminders, salutes and shout-outs including the honor of our flag, Old Glory, and what she represents!
May Their Memory Be a Blessing: Express Your Gratitude Tips - Salute Our Veterans - We pledge allegiance to the flag & freedoms you fought for... - Seasons of a Soldier - Star Spangled Spirited Splashes
Military Family Appreciation Month
Thank you to the members of the armed forces and their families.