Madeline Island Adventures
by Cindi Sutter, Chief Communicator & Editor of Spirited Table®
For more years than I can even remember, one of my husbands best friends, shares their Madeline Island home with us for a week. Bob and I stay in what is affectionately known as the Chicken House; yes, at one point it’s where they raised the chickens. A few weeks ago we enjoyed our time on Madeline, and the Lake Superior weather actually cooperated quite nicely. Boat rides, that included a trip to Raspberry Island and a Lighthouse tour, berry picking on another island, dinners on the screen porch, evening outings with friends from the island, trips to the National Park, golf tournament on the island, prepping flower arrangements for the church, and just plain relaxing.
So if you’re looking for a place to enjoy the fall leaves, attend Apple Festival in October, or just take the ferry from Bayfield, WI across to Madeline (about a 25 minute beautiful boat ride), it’s not to late!
Here are a few of my favorite photos from my trip, that might inspire you to extend your Labor Day celebrations…or plan a trip to Madeline Island, before the snow flies. First up, our trip to Raspberry Island with Family and Friends. Second slideshow is my journey through the bog, to the beach. Last slideshow reveals the amazing cliffs and rocks. The bog and the cliffs are discovered at the Big Bay State Park!

One day I decided that no matter what, this trip, I was going to the Big Bay State Park on Madeline Island; with our without anyone joining me! So guess what, I went with my camera backpack and had some big time fun visiting the marshy bog and climbing the rock cliffs! I hope you enjoy the view!
First slideshow is the Bog, as it leads you to the beach!

My hike down the path to the rock cliffs was the best part of the day! xo Don’t miss this fabulous hike, or the really cool spider web!