Peony Love Affair
by Zehorit Heilicher, Tastemaker in Residence
Kids have a way of noting all of their parents’ peculiarities and a knack for pointing them out, right? My kids are no different and they will probably rank my love of flora & fauna at the top of that list. During a stroll in the park, a visit to a museum, a drive down a country lane or even a stay at a rural rental - they will shake their heads as I would pause to sniff, touch, admire, and of course, take pictures of nature’s bountiful offerings.
I just can’t help my fascination with the natural growing world, though the sad truth is that I am not a great gardener. Though I deeply enjoy the fruits of a well-tended garden, I seem to prefer laboring in the kitchen than the garden. Go figure… Perhaps that is why I love my peonies so much…They do not require much labor, if any, to produce beautiful, aromatic, large blooms that fill my garden with color and beauty. I had never seen peonies until moving to the states and could not believe their beauty. Others may love the fussy, delicate roses but me, give me peonies any day!
I am still blown away every early summer when those tight spherical buds start opening and my front entryway fills with a sweet fragrance and humming fat bumblebees. Those bushes are so laden with blooms basking in the sun, that I can clip blooms for my table, share some with my beloved mother in law, and still not make a dent in the flowering, colorful view.
So, if you’d like some of your own, I am enclosing some resources, plus a list of the peonies in my garden. Plant some of these generous plants and you will be rewarded summer after summer!

Peonies in my garden:
1. Bowl of Beauty Peony
2. Cardinal Vaughan Peony
3. Karl Rosenfeld
4. Coral Charm
5. Pillow Talk
6. Sarah Bernhardt
7. Duchesse de Nemours
1. Growing Peonies – How to plant, grow & care for peony flowers:
2. 15 Beautiful Peony Varieties:
3. 31 Types of Peonies (All colors, bloom, types & varieties):
4. How to Divide Peonies: