Virtual Supper Clubs-Past & Present

by Cindi Sutter, Founder & Editor Spirited Table®—At the risk of repeating myself, I’m going to revive Valentine’s Day tips, recipes and images from our Valentine’s post of the past.

I love to decorate my tables for a special occasion, so here we go! V-Day! A few easy suggestionsHomebound Valentine includes crafts, activities and movies. What about the Valentine gift? Valentine Shopping: here to stay or passe'?Want to send something different?What really makes your heart happy?

It’s possible this one post can answer a lot of your Valentine questions and take you from a Valentine Baby Shower to Valentine Escapades — Valentine recipes to Show Your Sweetie You Heart Them Beyond Valentine's Day = Top 10 Valentine Tips. You’re burnt out on typical “Valentine” dinners, red roses, red macaroons etc.? try My Favorite Valentines! — The Sweet Hits of Valentines Past & PresentValentine ExperiencesSealed with a KissFlowers for your ValentinePopular Valentine's Day ColorsValentine Gift Trends and TipsA Valentine from a Swedish MomUnique Roses For Your Unique ValentineOrder Flowers EarlyBaby Shower Sprinkled With Love .