St. Patricks Day Floral Recipes - 2015
by Ardith Beveridge, Tastemaker in Residence
These two designs are made with all of the same products but a tweak in styles.
# 1 Interpretative Phoenix style - The Irish and potatoes a two-some too fun to forget.

#2 English Garden casual table design - As you see the container and mechanics are basically the same; just the lines drawn with the Rosemary etc. change the look.
Read the Floral Recipe, then change it to suit your table, the flowers you have access to and the shape you like. Share your photos with us!

Sharp clean knife
Glue pan/ Glue----any waterproof two sided tape
Decorative plate or container
Isle runner tape or Duct Tape
Anchor pin
1/3 block foam soaked in fresh clean water with flower food
8 4" wood picks
Flowers/ foliages / fresh vegetables
Three potatoes
Three artichokes
Two flowering kale
3 stems Rosemary
2 stems bay leaf
3 stems Alstroemeria
3 stems Viburnum
2 stems of Sweet Huckleberry
- Wet the foam, place the tape on the container, glue the anchor pin (see below) onto the tapeCut, clean the Rosemary stems, place them coming out of the center of the design in an inch circle on top as water coming out of a fountain.
- Insert a wood pic (see below) into each potato and artichoke, insert the other end of the pic into the foam, potatoes grouped on the top around the Rosemary, the artichoke around the base of the container equal distance.
- Insert the flowering kale one on each side
- Cut the viburnum stems shorter, insert where you see the foam, some shorter and some longer all around the base.
- Cut and insert stems of Alstroemeria wherever you like
- Cut and add the Sweet Huckleberry in and around for texture, height and interest
- Add fresh clean water with flower food every day
Have some fun, experiment, change the flowers to have a custom creation.
Anchor Pin: an anchor pin resembles one of the plastic items that held the old pizza box lid from the pizza. It is a three pronged plastic piece that can be purchased from the flower shop when you purchase your foam and flower food.
Wood Pic: A small squared wooden green stick with a wire on one end about the size of a stem. There is a Lint on one side and a wire wrapped around the other end. Remove the wire if you don't need to use it.
Isle Runner Tape: Is not the same a Duct Tape, although you may use the Duct tape on the base of the container to protect the container from the glue necessary to hold the anchor pin in place. When you remove the flowers, simply pull off the tape and your container is not distressed.