Mark's Salmon Salad

by Kimberley Thompson, Tastemaker in Residence


I carry all these ingredients already prepared but in separate Ziploc bags to the picnic. I assemble just before serving.

Ingredients - Dressing

1 cup orange juice
4 Tbsp walnut oil
1 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard
1 clove garlic, finely minced
3 Tbsp shallots,  finely minced
Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Put all ingredients into a jar with a tightly screwed down lid. Take to the picnic in a cooler. Shake before pouring over salad.

Ingredients - Salad

3 cup washed spinach
3 cup washed mixed greens
1/2 cup thinly sliced fresh mushrooms
12 strawberries sliced thinly
1/3 cup red onions sliced thin
2 oranges, peeled and sliced into circles
2 smoked salmon filets torn into 1/2 inch pieces


  1. Place all salad ingredients into a large bowl and toss with dressing to coat evenly. Serve.