Reason for Celebration!
by Zehorit Heilicher, Tastemaker in Residence
This month I have added a new hobby. Yes, you’re right… Did I really need another one? With the cooking and baking as well as the crafting (knit, crochet, bead, lotion/chap stick/soap making), really – did I truly need another? But you know how these things go: once you start – you cannot stop…
To be fair, this new hobby supports all the others. Drum roll… Let me Introduce: National Month Calendar. Now, you may ask what the heck is this National Month Calendar? Apparently the mysterious powers that be have designated special celebrations to practically every day on our calendar. National Hangover Day is (surprise!) January first. February brings in National Chili Day (February 27) and March includes National Be heard Day and National Shoe the World Day. The variety of topics and themes is dizzying!
So, if you are not sure what to cook/bake this week, what activity to inspire your kids with, which new topics to explore? Check out National Day Calendar and let inspiration blossom. Today, as I am writing this is National Sticky Bun Day, so since I have a preference for cinnamon rolls over sticky bus, here is a link to Alton Brown’s Overnight Cinnamon Roll Recipe. Soft dough, rich cinnamon taste and smooth cream cheese glaze join to create a delicious roll that is great straight out of the oven, or reheated after a couple of days in the refrigerator.

Find your reason to celebrate and embrace it!