Ugly Christmas Sweater Virtual Get-Together-W3 Book Club
by Teri E. Popp & Laura Chin, Tastemakers in Residence
Thanks to our co-hosts: Jean E, Jodene M, & Kate M. and Photos by the Members of W3 Book Club
Every year, W3 Book Club comes together for an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. Some years it’s lunch, others it’s for Happy Hour. As with most things though, this year’s pandemic has put a halt to in-person meals and drinks. So, the ladies of W3 went down a different path and truly made the most of our event “together—while apart”!!!

Our co-hosts-Jean, Jodene, and Kate-went all out with swag bags for the entire book club! They included pre-made Pomegranate Martinis and lots of little munchies so we could keep our energy up for, what turned out to be, our 4 hour, marathon, get-together!!

There was so much to enjoy about our swag bags—from hand painted tiles of us wearing masks, to hummus & crackers, to Pomegranate Martinis, to mini-Ugly Sweater tree decorations, to beautifully decorated, white chocolate adorned, martini glasses—but the real thrill was in the two weeks leading up to the event that brought us to our Secret Santa.

Each of us was assigned a Secret Santa, who was allowed to send hints and small gifts that might prove helpful to us in figuring out just who was sending us presents. Buying the gifts and coming up with hints was so much fun!

And then, on November 30, hints and gifts started arriving from our own Secret Santas. We were allowed to open all of the hints, but couldn’t open the last present with the big reveal naming our Secret Santa until December 7. Excitement filled the air as we all enjoyed our martinis and munchies while taking turns sharing our clues. Those who guessed who their Secret Santa was received prizes!

It really was a spectacular event—one filled with happy memories and camaraderie. And it helped put the Ho, Ho, Ho in all of our holidays!!