Spatchcock Chicken - Lemon Rosemary

by Zehorit Heilicher, Tastemaker in Residence - one more way to bring my family together during Family Fun Month=August!


Serving Size: 6 — Yield: 1 chicken



4 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 Tbsp minced garlic

1.5 Tbsp fresh minced rosemary

1 tsp chile powder

1 large lemon, cut into slivers, seeds removed

1 medium onion, sliced thin

1 Tbsp kosher salt

1 tsp ground black pepper


5 pounds whole chicken, (butterflied, backbone removed)

1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil


10-12" cast iron pan


1. Prepare the marinade & Season the Chicken: In a medium bowl combine all the ingredients with a wooden spoon, mashing them a bit to release flavors.

Pat the chicken dry and rub the marinade all over it, getting under skin and into its crevices.

Place in a bowl and refrigerate for 1-3 hours or overnight. (Or place in a sealable bag and do the same)

2. Sear & Roast chicken: Heat oven to 400F.

Place cast-iron skillet on medium-high heat and drizzle 1 tablespoon of olive oil on its surface. When the oil is shimmering, place the chicken skin-side down on the hot pan. It should sizzle noisily. Press it down. Do not discard the leftover marinade.

Let the chicken cook, undisturbed for 5-8 minutes, reaching a deep golden sear.

Flip the chicken over and pour the reserved marinade over it and along its sides. Cook on the stovetop for 3-4 minutes and then place, uncovered in the preheated oven.

Cook for 30-40 minutes (depending on your oven and the size of your chicken). 

Check after 15-20 minutes, if the chicken is browning too quickly, cover it with tin foil and continue cooking.

To check if the chicken is done, insert a ship knife into the thick part of the breast. If the juices run clear, it is done. Or insert a thermometer into the same section (not touching the bone) - if the temperature reached 165F, the chicken is done.

3. Serving: Take chicken out of the oven and let it rest for 5-10 minutes.

You can carve the chicken and place on a platter with some fresh rosemary sprigs and lemon slices arranged decoratively, or serve it rustically as is.