October = Cookie Month

by Cindi Sutter, Founder & Editor Spirited Table® - Best gourmet cookies in Minneapolis, MN - “My favorite cookie is from Crossroads in Hopkins, MN. It’s simply called the Black & White Cookie….It’s amazing!” - Cindi

In honor of all the National Food Holidays in our calendar, this page is dedicated to the many Weird & Wacky Holidays that we celebrate. 


When is National Cookie Month? October is National Cookie Month.


What is this Holiday for?

This holiday is for honoring and enjoying the sweet flavor of cookies and sharing them with friends and family. Let this holiday bring new fond memories of days to come. Let today be the day you learn to bake new cookie recipes and learn to decorate a cookie in a new way. Let today be the day you buy a new cookie cutter and enjoy using it by baking homemade cookies for your family. Let today be the day you sit down with a tall cold glass of milk or hot coffee, a large plate of fresh cookies, and have no guilt at eating them all up. _______________________________________________

Origin of this Holiday?

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day.

This holiday is referred to as a "National" day.  However, we did not find any congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day. Even though we didn't, this is still a holiday that is publicized to celebrate. So have fun with it and celebrate it!


What is the definition of a cookie?

In the United States and Canada, a cookie is a small, flat baked dessert. In most English-speaking countries outside North America, the most common word for this is biscuit; in many regions both terms are used, while in others the two words have different meanings—a cookie is a plain bun in Scotland, while in the United States a biscuit is a kind of quick bread not unlike a scone.

Its name derives from the Dutch word koekje or (informal) koekie which means little cake, and arrived in the English language through the Dutch in North America. It spread from American English to British English where biscuit is still the more general term.

resource: wikipedia


Types of cookies

Cookies are most commonly baked until crisp or just long enough that they remain soft, but some kinds of cookies are not baked at all. Cookies are made in a wide variety of styles, using an array of ingredients including sugars, spices, chocolate, butter, peanut butter, nuts or dried fruits. The softness of the cookie may depend on how long it is baked.

Dropped Cookies

Rolled Cookies

Pressed Cookies

Refrigerator Cookies

Molded Cookies

Bar Cookies

Sandwich Cookies

Fried Cookies

Twice Baked Cookies


Are there other Cookie Holidays? Yes!

National Sugar Cookie Day

October is National Cookie Month

The first week in December is Cookie Cutter Week.

December 4 is National Cookie Day.


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There's nothing like savoring the smell of cookies baking and enjoying a hot cookie fresh out of the oven, especially with a large cold glass of milk.  In celebration of National Cookie Month enjoy these wonderful pages of cookie products, cookie recipes, cookie links and how-to videos. Have Fun with cookies.


The Essential Baking Supplies for Best-Ever Cookies

New Cookie Cutters!

Best gourmet cookies in Minneapolis, MN - “My favorite cookie is from Crossroads in Hopkins, MN. It’s simply called the Black & White Cookie….It’s amazing!” - Cindi


Coffee Cookies

Halloween Cookies

Trail Mix Cookies



Potato Chip Cookies

Checkerboard Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Peanut Butter Cookies


Cookie Links

Holiday Cookies from around the world