Self-Care Matters: A love letter to your immune system

by Christina Meyer-Jax, Tastemaker in Residence

My Dear Immune System,

I am so sorry I’ve taken you for granted all these years.  From small colds, environmental pollutants, and pre-cancerous mutated cells you’ve been on the front line protecting me.  I, on the other hand, haven’t given you much of a thought except taking a random vitamin C supplement or Zinc lozenge.

Instead of feeding you the love you deserve and the foundation to a healthy relationship, I’ve treated you with processed foods, alcohol, lack of exercise, stress, poor sleep, and sometimes even poorer lifestyle choices. 

Sadly you aren’t the only one that has suffered from my disrespectful decisions.  This honky-tonk lifestyle has created a state of bodily inflammation that puts me to risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and even cancer.

The shock of this viral pandemic has woken me up to the reality that I need to take care of you my sweet immune system, as you are my protector to battle the storms of illness and disease.

I have researched what your needs are. I should have done it a long time ago!  I am committed to building a strong foundation for us to have a healthy relationship. I know that it’s not too late to change the course. 

Here is my promise to you, my love and warrior:

1. I will stop acting like a kid in a candy store and acting entitled to eat whatever I want.  This does not feed our symbiotic needs.

2. I will eat food that is made with real food ingredients. Fake foods, with fake ingredients, do not nourish us.

3. I will enjoy more plant foods.  I know you love all of them with their beautiful colors, phytonutrients, and fiber.  Let’s explore new varieties and recipes together.  What an adventure!!

4. I will drink more water and less alcohol.  I will not smoke in any form.  These are no brainers for our relationship to thrive.

5. I will stop making excuses to not exercise. You absolutely love when we get movement together, even short walks to the park.  

6. I will also make sure we get plenty of time in bed together ☺  It’s a positive and restorative time in many ways, but for sure focusing on at least 8 hours of actual sleep each day.

I will own that self-care isn’t bull-shrimp.  If I am running myself physically, emotionally, spiritually into the ground there is nothing left for us to grow together.

Thank you for loving me all these years, my dear immune system.  I know we have big challenges ahead as we continue to age, and new global microorganisms invade.  But I am confident by following my promises we can fight the good fight together!

All my love-

The Human Body

Check out some immune-enhancing recipes from Christina Meyer-Jax:

Sunshine Smoothie

Moroccan Shrimp Salad with Chimichurri Dressing

Grilled + Stuffed Portobella Mushrooms